About us

Heather Isaac started the Sensory Education Clinic. Her quest to help special needs children began nearly 40 years ago. She qualified as a school teacher in South Africa and had a special interest in children with emotional problems. Heather and her husband adopted seven children from different cultural backgrounds and gave birth to three children of their own.

To give their children the very best nutrition they could possibly have, they decided to live on a small farm growing organic fruit and vegetables. They had their own cows providing them with fresh milk, cream, cheese, butter and meat. Their free-range chickens provided them with eggs.  Heather studied GAPS nutrition and qualified as a practitioner.

After teaching Autistic children in the United Kingdom for many years, specializing in art programmes, Heather went on to study all she could about light wave stimulation, researching the works of people such as Jacob Lieberman, Temple Faye, and Doman.

Svea Gold inspired and taught Heather Neuro Development exercises, which Heather used with groups of Down Syndrome children.

While working very closely with a team of Speach and Language pathologists, Heather noticed that many children suffer from severe sound sensitivities. She studied the works of Tomatis and Guy Berard, later qualifying as a Berard AIT practitioner.

With her own children achieving success in the fields of Cardiology, Speech and Language therapy, Computer Science, Business and Cisco engineering, Heather’s passion is to share her knowledge with mothers whose children have learning difficulties.

Our Advisory Board

At Sensory Education Clinic we opt to take a natural approach and we encourage our clients to work closely with their medical practitioners to meet their needs. Our Scientific Advisory Board represents disciplines from a variety of fields. We believe it is important to take a holistic approach in our programmes and our expertise and advisors represent this.

Ruth Cogzell, Speech and Language Therapist

Heather Isaac, AIT Practitioner, GAP Nutritional Practitioner, Special needs education

Dr Annie Kenealy, Pharmacy

Dr Jonathan Isaac, Medical Doctor

Stephen Isaac BSc, AIT Practitioner, Computer Science

Holistic products

We focus on the holistic well-being of people, through a variety of products focusing on auditory, nutrition, visual, neuro development and environmental factors.

Available worldwide

Our distance system allows you to use our self-run program in your home or school world-wide. We also have practitioners located in key areas.

Unique personalization

Unlike many off-the-shelf programs, our program can be tailored to an individuals sensory needs.

We care

We are a family run company that truly care about you and your family.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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