Frequently asked questions

Have any scientific studies been done on AIT?
Yes, you can read research here.

How long does the programme take?
The ten day programme can be done over a period of ten or twelve days. A weekend break is permitted during the programme.

What type of programme is done over ten days?
Special electronically modified and/or filtered music is played through special high fidelity headphones. This music aims to re-educate the ears and the brain to hear in a more organised manner.

Does the programme have to be repeated again and again?
Some people run the AIT programme once, while others choose to repeat the programme again after nine months.

Will one see immediate results from the programme?
Any benefits of AIT are often seen between the beginning of the training and around six months after it ends. To fully realise the effects of the programme one should wait at least six months.

What potential changes should one look for after running the programme?

  • calmer, less anxious, decrease in hyperactivity
  • Increased attention to auditory input
  • Improved social behaviour (increased interaction)
  • increased interest in communication
  • better eye contact
  • improved articulation
  • improved auditory comprehension
  • overall improvement in academic skills
  • reduction of sensitivity to sound impulsivity
  • improved speech as a result of perceiving sounds more clearly
  • less aggressive behaviour
  • more independent
  • improved language comprehension & expression
  • reduced distractibility

What could diminish the effect of the AIT programme?

  • An ear infection.
  • Listening to music through earphones / headphones may cause distortions in hearing.
  • Exposure to loud music
  • On going unresolved metabolic problems.

Is there a minimum age to receive AIT?
We recommend waiting until the child is old enough to wear earphones. This normally happens when the child is about three years old.

What if one is unable to wear headphones?
We have other options available.

Can one have AIT while there are grommets or PE tubes in place?
Only if your doctor approves should AIT be undertaken. AIT is never done during an active ear infection. Always consult your doctor if you have medical conditions.

What expertise does Sensory Clinic have?
We work with an advisory board who come from a wide range of disciplines consisting of Auditory Integration, Medicine, Speech & Language Therapy, Education, Nutrition and Computer Science. For more information see our web site.

Our programmes are intended for educational use only and we do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition, disease, mental disorder or emotional disorder. Our clients should always consult their medical practitioner as appropriate and do their own research before using any of our programmes, products or services.

What type of Auditory Integration Training is used by Sensory Clinic?
The Sensory Clinic Auditory Integration Training is based on the Berard method. Our equipment includes the Berard Earducator, the DAA, the Sound Sense Trainer and other devices.

Do you offer a programme that I can do in my own home?
Yes, Sensory Clinic has a Distance Auditory Training programme that can be used in the comfort of your home.

Do you offer a listening test?
Yes, we have AIT practitioners and a wide network of audiologists that we work with.

What are the potential indicators of auditory problems?

  • Has a history of ear infections
  • Does not pay attention to verbal instructions 50% of the time
  • Is easily distracted by background noises or drifts from paying attention
  • Has difficulty with phonics
  • Learns poorly through the auditory channel
  • Has diagnosed language or speech difficulties
  • Displays slow response time to verbal stimuli
  • Covers ears to avoid sounds
  • Frequently gives odd or inappropriate responses in conversation
  • Tantrums easily
  • Hears sounds such as aeroplanes, etc. before anyone else, and often runs away from them
  • Avoids eye contact
  • Hums or makes noises
  • Difficulty organising the day
  • Fatigue by end of day
  • Needs constant activity or visual stimuli
  • Difficulty finding the exact words to express themselves

Are any side-effects experienced during AIT?
Mood or behaviour changes may occur during or just after the programme. One may also feel slightly nauseous or fatigued as the auditory system is exercised. These are short lived and generally indicate that the program is effective. Some of the reactions that may occur:

  • Eating more
  • More affectionate
  • Incredible joy
  • Slightly discouraged
  • Tired
  • Elation

These changes are of a temporary nature and disappear shortly after the end of the programme. The improvement in the auditory processing mechanism continues to impact on the child’s behaviour and learning over the next 3 months and one commonly sees a slow but sometimes dramatic improvement). Dr. Bérard saw a relationship between positive response to treatment and negative behaviours during the 10 day treatment.

Our programmes are intended for educational use only and we do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition, disease, mental disorder or emotional disorder. Our clients should always consult their medical practitioner as appropriate and do their own research before using any of our programmes, products or services.

What should my child do while they are listening to the programme?
Your child will be allow to play with their toys, be rocked in a chair, or simply enjoy being cuddled by mummy while listening to the music. Some children enjoy mummy giving them a foot massage, or brushing their skin. Tiny tots often find it easier to listen while being pushed in their pram.

Children love watching bubbles being blown to them while they are listening to the music. The promise of a little reward after each session is a great incentive. We don’t encourage watching TV while listening to the session.

What is Glue Ear?
Glue ear: A type of Otitis Media (ear infection), common in children, where fluid exists in the middle ear in the absence of fever or inflammation of the eardrum. It is also referred to as Otitis Media with effusion (OME). The fluid is often quite thick and it may be in the ear temporarily or could persist for many months.

What are Grommets or PE tubes?
Tubes inserted to aerate the middle ear to prevent glue ear recurring. The grommets cannot be felt by the patient and are usually pushed out by the eardrum after 6 to 12 months, leaving the eardrum intact.

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